
  • Benefit of working on complicated 1B picks while avoiding injury
  • Allows for high rep grounders with machines in any environment (gyms, hardwood floors)
  • Reduced risk of injury: Fielding a regulation baseball can be challenging and physically taxing, particularly for advanced fielders who may be fielding for extended periods of time. The lighter weight of foam baseballs can reduce the risk of strain or injury during fielding practice.
  • Improved reflexes: The smaller, lighter foam baseballs can require advanced fielders to be quicker on their feet and react more quickly to make accurate catches, improving their reflexes and reaction time.
  • Enhanced focus on technique: Using foam baseballs can help advanced fielders focus on their technique and form, particularly when it comes to making accurate throws and improving footwork.
  • Fun and engaging: Using foam baseballs can add an element of fun and engagement to fielding practice, particularly if advanced fielders are looking to mix up their routine and add a new challenge to their training regimen.